Some children dream of becoming doctors. Some dream of being teachers, police officers (although this is primarily referred to as "a cop" or "policeman" among those in this age bracket), astronauts or some other grand and glorious profession. But, from a very early age, my one true desire, from the deepest part of my little girl heart was to be one thing.... a Babysitter. No other field of work held as much promise and unfathomable joy as being responsible for the care and well-being of children. I know this is something which God placed in my heart, as a girl, to have a natural desire to be mother-y. Indeed, I firmly believe, no matter how many women want to deny it, that ALL women are born with this desire. However, thanks to a society which thrives on the perversion of all things natural, it is quickly smothered with the "modern women, free to choose" ideology. Of course the end of such makes everything related to domestic life seem nothing but a regrettable chore.
But, being raised my parents who refuse to blindly follow the accepted views of our society, I grew up with great dreams of being a homemaker and mother.
Now in our home, the rule was that you could not start accepting babysitting jobs until your 13th birthday. Oh, how I longed for the day! Most of my peers were looking toward 16, when they could become licenced drivers (all kids know of course that this privilege gives you distinction from the "younger ones", causing it to be highly anticipated). But I was busy with other plans.
When I was but 3 months from my 13 birthday, I had already made up mock schedules of activities, typed up emergency contact charts and medical history forms, all with the help of the Babysitters 101 books at the library. I also studied children's craft books and first aid, just in case!
Shortly after my birthday, Charlie and Chisom Brown (yes, his name was indeed Charlie Brown)
entered my life. Their single Mother had decided to homeschool Charlie, who had just turned 5 years old. His 3 yr old Brother, Chis, was deaf and attended preschool classes at AIDB. Their Mother was starting Sign Language classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. She would need a sitter. And there began my career. I was officially Sarah, the Babysitter.
I kept the Brown boys for about 6 months before they moved away.
Oh the hurt! The heart ache! A hole the size of Texas was left in my heart and I would never recover.
Then the Cannons came. The hole was soon full of two little smiling angels, Jocelyn and Kimry.
I kept them here and there as I was needed. They were the sweetest, dearest little girls in the world and I felt guilty at times for getting payed just to playing with them :) I will never forget the day that Pam told me they were moving to Ohio. I cried, right there in Wendy's, over my Taco Salad. When I got home, Mom sat on my bed (I was crying into the pillow obviously) and reminded me that God never takes away with out giving something back. I just had to wait
But I didn't have to wait long. A few weeks before the Cannons left, Pam shared my number with the mother of 2 little boys, Carl (2) and Daniel (6 months). For the next 4 years I would have the privilege of helping to teach, love and raise Carl, Daniel and eventually their little sister Maria. Laura and Efren (the parents of course) where both Deaf, so I took ASL Classes and got practice everyday! These three became like my own!
Eventually Stephan Boland joined the gang. His Mom and Dad where good friends with Laura and Efren, so when Stephan was born, I had the blessing of caring for him also! We were a merry group, we five, spending Monday through Friday at one house or the other. I learned so much during that season of my life and I would never trade that time for anything! Laura decided that she was missing too much of her babies' lives, and became a homemaker, Praise the Lord! Stephan and I spent one more year together before I decided it was time for a change.
I worked for one year at Tractor Supply Co. before we moved to our new home in Clay County.
In June of 2007, He placed a very special gift in my care. His name is Darrius.
............Hold on I gotta break for some tears.......................................................................okay.
Darrius is the only child of Derrick and Brittney Hardy (Haley and Brittney worked together for a long time before we moved). Darrius(2) needed a new sitter and I got to be her!
For the past year, one month and 22 days, Darrius has filled my life with unspeakable joy! Sure, we had a bad day here and there, but all the good FAR outweighed them! He became one of the family and the center of daily life for me. He wanted to help with everything, right down to sewing (he did "help" stick pins in the scrap pieces of fabric :) and doing the dishes! He absorbed everything around him and never failed to keep the mood silly with his crazy antics!
Then, three days ago, an opening became available at the Head-Start in our town, and Darrius was accepted. That was not a happy day for me. Darrius wanted to know why I was crying of course so I told him I why, in three-year-old language. But I think the only part he really got was that he was going somewhere on Monday that he would get " play with the kids." After that, about every 30 minutes, when I would finally stop crying, Darrius would look at me with his precious little face and say "Sarah, i guna play wit da kids? You go'n wit me too?" And the flood gated would reopen. My heart is thankful though for the one great blessing this time that Darrius only lives 7 miles away and I still get him on the days school it out! Yes!!! I love school Holidays!!
The one scripture that keeps coming back to me is " For everything there is a season..."
One of the toughest, but most important lessons that I have learned so far is that nothing is forever on this earth. Life is full of seasons. Some are short, some are long. We have to enjoy the gift of today and use it well. Because we never know what tomorrow may bring. No time is lost if you spent it doing the work of the Father, and caring for those around you! When a season comes to an end, rejoice for what you shared, and look forward to the next.
Now if you are still wondering about the title, I will explain-
You see, all of my children have had something special about them. Some unique, memorable thing about them that I think of when I look back.
Darrius, he is my little dancer. Everything good that happened, whether it was getting ready to go to town or hearing me say breakfast was ready, was an occasion to dance. He had special dance-moves for everything, of course. I even had a ball cap made that said " Darrius Hardy, Lord of the Dance"!
So, my season with Darrius, I will always remember as a Season of Dance.
I am so grateful for the blessed gift that God has given me by allowing me to be a part of so many little lives. I pray for them all every single day and their places will always remain in my heart. Darrius, I miss you already!
You are truly filled with God's grace. May you be blessed as you live for Him who saved us.
What can I say, Honey? The Son absolutely shines through you and I am so thankful for the way you are living your life. Keep close to Him!
Much Love - Momma
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